The Five Basic Elements – The Five Senses

I finished this album about a year ago and just forgot uploading it until now. In this album, I combined both the five basic elements including Fire, Water, Metal, Earth and Plant with the five senses Hear, Speak, Touch, Smell and See. I still lack a lot of skills but I think it somehow portrayed my style quite a lot. Hope you find it interesting!

Ai the hideaway of Qui Dinh

The Five Basic Elements - The Five Senses
Metal – Hear
The Five Basic Elements - The Five Senses
Plant – See
The Five Basic Elements - The Five Senses
Water – Touch
The Five Basic Elements - The Five Senses
Fire – Smell
The Five Basic Elements - The Five Senses
Earth – Speak


The Five Basic Elements - The Five Senses
The Five Basic Elements – The Five Senses

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